Hier finden Sie eine beeindruckende Auswahl an Beleuchtungsoptionen, die sich perfekt für jeden Raum im Industriestil eignen. Von Lagerhallen und Fabriken bis hin zu Lofts und Werkstätten ist unsere Kollektion darauf ausgelegt, jeder Umgebung einen Hauch robuster Eleganz zu verleihen.
Unsere industriellen Beleuchtungskörper werden aus hochwertigen Materialien wie Metall, Glas und Beton gefertigt und sind in verschiedenen Ausführungen erhältlich, darunter rustikale Bronze, gebürstetes Nickel und Mattschwarz. Egal, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einem Statement-Stück zum Aufhängen in Ihrem Eingangsbereich oder einem Set Pendelleuchten zur Beleuchtung Ihrer Kücheninsel sind, wir haben das Richtige für Sie.
101 Copenhagen Stingray Table Lamp - All about the contrast between soft shapes and sharp lines The almost floating lampshade is the centrepiece of the Stingray Table Lamp, elegantly featured...
101 Copenhagen Stingray Floor Lamp - All about the contrast between soft shapes and sharp lines The almost floating lampshade is the centrepiece of the 101 Copenhagen Stingray Floor Lamp,...
101 Copenhagen Sitting Man Mini - A fine-tuned balance between structure and weight, aesthetic and function Reminiscing the silhouette of a sitting man, The Sitting Man is a light sculpture...
101 Copenhagen Dusk Wall Light - An art piece in itself. The Dusk and Dawn lamps are a unique source of light that lets the mind wander to planets, eclipses...
101 Copenhagen Brick Lamp Tall - A rich architectural lamp. The Brick Lamp is made of exquisite solid marble, elegantly carved in sharp geometric shapes. Each lamp is completely unique,...
101 Copenhagen Brick Lamp Low - A rich architectural lamp. The Brick Lamp is made of exquisite solid marble, elegantly carved in sharp geometric shapes. Each lamp is completely unique,...
Grupa Igram Floor Lamp - An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent...
Grupa Igram Wall Lamp -An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent by...
Grupa Baluna Pendant - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped and...
Grupa Baluna Chandelier - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped and...
Grupa Baluna Chandelier - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped and...
Grupa Baluna Ceiling Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped...
Grupa Baluna Large Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who...
Grupa Baluna Medium Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who...
Grupa Baluna Ceiling and Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship,...
Grupa Baluna Table / Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship,...
Grupa Baluna Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped...
Grupa Ili Ili Pendant Lamp - a modular and playful fixture Grupa ILI ILI is a series of modular pendant lamps. It is possible to assemble six different elements through...
Grupa Model 3 Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Grupa Model is essentially a replication of a playful sketch in space, yet, in...
Grupa Model 2 Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Grupa Model is essentially a replication of a playful sketch in space, yet, in...
Grupa Model 1 Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Grupa Model is essentially a replication of a playful sketch in space, yet, in...
Grupa Arigato Pendant Light - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Double Long Ceiling Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of...
Grupa Arigato Double Ceiling Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Long Ceiling Lamp- a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Ceiling Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Double Long / Short Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human...
Grupa Arigato Double Wall Lamp a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Short Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Long Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Palace Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Grupa Arigato Double Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Palace Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...
Grupa Arigato Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...
Bomma Tied Up Romance Pendant Light - The beauty in contradiction Tied up romance by Bomma is a meticulously crafted lighting collection combining leather and horsehair with Bomma's world famous...
Bomma Shibari 5 Pendant Light - The secret language of rope-knots Shibari is not simply the technique of tying objects with ropes, but a method of communication within hidden systems...
Bomma Shibari 3 Pendant Light - The secret language of rope-knots Shibari is not simply the technique of tying objects with ropes, but a method of communication within hidden systems...
Bomma Shibari Pendant Light - The secret language of rope-knots Shibari is not simply the technique of tying objects with ropes, but a method of communication within hidden systems of...
Industriestil ist eine Designästhetik, die von Industrieräumen wie Fabriken und Lagerhallen inspiriert ist.
Es zeichnet sich durch ein rohes, unfertiges Aussehen aus, das die Schönheit einfacher Materialien wie Holz, Metall und Beton hervorhebt. Freiliegende Ziegelwände, offene Rohre und Leitungen sind ebenfalls gemeinsame Merkmale des Industriestils. Die Farbpalette ist tendenziell gedämpft und erdig, wobei Grau-, Braun- und Schwarztöne vorherrschen.
Möbel und Accessoires in diesem Stil sind oft schlicht und robust, mit klaren Linien und minimaler Verzierung.
Insgesamt ist der Industriestil ein mutiger und kantiger Look, der die Schönheit industrieller Räume und den rauen Charme roher Materialien zelebriert.
Bei der Auswahl einer Lampe im Industriestil müssen mehrere Faktoren berücksichtigt werden.
Bedenken Sie in erster Linie den Zweck der Lampe. Soll sie ein Statement-Stück sein, das dem Raum visuelles Interesse verleiht, oder ist sie in erster Linie funktional und dient der Arbeitsbeleuchtung für einen Arbeitsbereich? Leseecke?
Sobald Sie ihren Zweck bestimmt haben, berücksichtigen Sie die Größe und den Maßstab der Lampe im Verhältnis zum Raum, den sie einnehmen wird. Eine große, dramatische Pendelleuchte könnte perfekt für ein Loft mit hoher Decke sein, könnte aber einen kleineren Raum überfordern.
Als nächstes berücksichtigen Sie die Materialien und Ausführungen der Lampe. Industrielampen bestehen oft aus Metall, Holz und Beton, es stehen jedoch verschiedene Ausführungen zur Auswahl, darunter gebürstetes Nickel, rustikale Bronze, und mattschwarz.
Berücksichtigen Sie schließlich die Gesamtästhetik des Raums, in dem die Lampe verwendet werden soll. Eine Industrieleuchte sollte die bestehende Einrichtung ergänzen und aufwerten, anstatt mit ihr in Konflikt zu geraten.
Wenn Sie all diese Faktoren berücksichtigen, können Sie eine Lampe im Industriestil wählen, die sowohl funktional als auch optisch auffällig ist und Ihren Raum perfekt ergänzt.