Petite Friture Vertigo Bedroom

Your bedroom is your personal haven, a place to unwind, relax, and recharge. 

However, if this sacred environment isn't set up or lit correctly for this purpose, it won't work for you, and you'll end up with a room you really don't like spending time in. 

A room that doesn't serve.

Since you're reading this guide, you're probably already feeling this way. 

Every time you step into your room, you're hit with this feeling that doesn't feel like home. Parts of it may even frustrate and annoy you. The space feels off. It doesn't feel like you.

Fortunately, there's a simple way to make a world of difference: to work on your bedroom's lighting.

The right lighting is essential in setting the perfect mood and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. 

That's what we're focusing on today, as this guide shares our expert tips on how to light a bedroom, even if it's small or dark, using bedroom lighting design techniques that elevate your space to a whole new level of comfort and style.


1. Layer Your Lighting

Layering is the key to a well-lit bedroom. 

It's an expert technique that's simple to understand and hard to master. But, it's a lot of fun, and when you hit that sweet spot that feels right, there are few things as satisfying.

The art of layering involves combining different types of lighting to create a balanced and inviting environment. The three main layers are:

  • Ambient Lighting: This is the overall illumination of your room, usually provided by ceiling fixtures or recessed lights.
  • Task Lighting: Focused light for specific tasks, such as reading or working at a desk. Examples include bedside lamps, desk lamps, or adjustable wall-mounted fixtures.
  • Accent Lighting: Used to highlight specific features in the room, such as artwork, architectural elements, or textures. Consider using wall sconces, picture lights, or LED strip lighting.

As a rule of thumb, work on your ambient lighting first and then set up task lighting on bedside tables or on dressers. This way, you can work your way into the room at night, slowly turning off the light intensity as you move through the room while winding down.

The lower the lights, the better since they're less likely to stimulate your eyes and keep you up.


2. Opt for Dimmers

Dimmer switches and lights with built-in dimmers give you full control over your bedroom's lighting intensity, allowing you to adjust the brightness depending on your mood, activities, or the time of day. 

They're simply a fantastic tool to maximize your control over your light sources without worrying about buying lots of new lights. Modern dimmers are also easy to install and can be done as a fun DIY project!


3. Consider Light Temperature

The color temperature of your light sources plays a significant role in setting the mood in your bedroom. 

Opt for warm lighting (2,700K to 3,000K) to create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. However, if you need a more invigorating environment for activities like reading or working, choose cooler temperatures (4,000K to 5,000K) for task lighting.

You can also use different kinds of lights and shades to control the intensity of your light, such as using Murano paper shades to create a very muted but welcoming effect.


4. Illuminate your bed

The bed is the focal point of your bedroom, so it's essential to ensure it's well-lit. 

Place matching bedside lamps on each side for symmetry and convenience. Consider adjustable wall-mounted fixtures or pendant lights if you have limited nightstand space. 

Remember to include task lighting for reading and ensure the light source is at the correct height to avoid straining your eyes.

 Trizo21 Austere wall lamp

5. Maximize natural light

Natural light is a valuable resource that can make your bedroom feel more spacious and welcoming. You also get far more benefits from natural light, so get as much of it as you can! 

To make the most of it:

  • Choose light and airy window treatments, such as sheer curtains or light-colored blinds, that allow light to filter through.
  • Place mirrors strategically to reflect natural light and create the illusion of a larger space.
  • Keep your windows clean to ensure the maximum amount of sunlight enters the room.


6. How to Light a Small Bedroom

When you're working with limited space, consider these tips to make your small bedroom feel more open and inviting:

  • Choose wall-mounted or pendant lighting to save surface space on nightstands or desks.
  • Use multi-functional lighting fixtures, such as a floor lamp with a built-in shelf or a bedside lamp with a USB charging port.
  • Stick to a minimalist design, avoiding overly large or ornate fixtures that could overwhelm the space.


7. How to Light a Dark Bedroom

If your bedroom lacks natural light (such as a north or south-facing room), or has dark walls, use these strategies to brighten the space:

  • Layer your lighting, ensuring a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting sources.
  • Incorporate mirrors to reflect artificial light and create the illusion of more space.
  • Choose light-colored lamp shades or fixtures to help diffuse light more effectively.


8. Don't Neglect Closet Lighting

A well-lit closet is crucial for finding items quickly and easily. Include a combination of ambient and task lighting, such as recessed lights or LED strip lighting, to ensure adequate illumination.


9. Incorporate Smart Lighting Solutions

Smart lighting can help you create the perfect ambiance in your bedroom with minimal effort. 

With features like voice control, remote access, and programmable settings, you can easily adjust your lighting to suit your preferences. 

Some smart bulbs even offer color-changing capabilities, allowing you to create a unique atmosphere for different moods or occasions.

 Mammalampa bride

10. Pay Attention to Light Placement

The placement of your light sources is crucial in achieving a well-balanced and comfortable bedroom environment. Here are a few guidelines to consider:

  • Avoid placing task lighting directly above your bed, as it can cast unflattering shadows and cause glare.
  • Position accent lighting to highlight specific areas or features, ensuring the light source is concealed to create a more sophisticated look.
  • Install ambient lighting evenly throughout the room to prevent dark spots or harsh shadows.


11. Choose Energy-Efficient Options

Opt for energy-efficient lighting solutions to save on your energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

LED bulbs are an excellent choice, as they consume less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. 

They also produce less heat, making them a safer option for your bedroom.


12. Personalize Your Lighting Design

Your bedroom should be a reflection of your personal style and taste. Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different fixtures, lamp shades, or bulb types. Consider the following ideas to customize your bedroom lighting:

  • Choose a statement chandelier or pendant light to create a focal point and add a touch of elegance.
  • Use decorative wall sconces or plug-in pendant lights to add personality and character to your space.
  • Incorporate decorative string lights or fairy lights to create a whimsical and cozy atmosphere.



Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom space, and with these expert tips, you'll be well on your way to designing a functional and beautiful bedroom.

Ready to get started?

Here at Luminesy, we pride ourselves on our extensive category of lighting options that are ideal for creating the perfect bedroom space, whatever that means to you.

Shop with us today and turn your bedroom into a space you're happy to call your own once and for all!